Hashbrown Egg Cups

Hashbrown Egg Cups

10 egg cups
Total time

We don’t fuss too much over breakfast on school days. My kids have their respective carb obsessions (cereal and toaster waffles) and I make a few chicken sausages and a fried egg to get some protein down. You can add meat or not, leave them plain if you have picky little people.

I’m not one to press certain equipment if I can help it, but you really need a silicone muffin tin for egg based muffiny things. Even if the pan is non-stick, they stick. Here is the one I have, not fancy at all, and you set it on a rimmed baking tray for baking. You don’t want to use liners it’s how we get the potatoes crisp.

If you don’t have or want a silicone muffin tray, I would suggest making this in a pie dish instead, and making more of a quiche looking situation. Timing should be similar, you may just need to add a few more minutes for the potatoes to get crisp on the bottom of the tin.

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