Bon Appetit's Feel-Better Chicken & Rice Soup
- Serves
- 4
- Total time
At the start of every year, Bon Appetit puts out a ‘feel good’ collection of recipes. They are vegetable forward, easy, and inspire people to cook at home. No strict diet, just healthier in the general sense of the word. When I looked at the ingredients in this soup, I thought it sounded far too simple to be good, but I was wrong. I changed a few tiny things, but I will make this again whether I’m trying to “feel better” or not.
I used brown rice, so mine took longer to plump up on the front end. Time differences for white or brown rice are included in the recipe below.
We enjoyed this as written the first time, but when I reheated it, I chopped a bundle of Swiss chard and added it in to wilt down during the reheat. It bulked up the soup with more green vegetables.