Spring Pea Falafel

Spring Pea Falafel

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In Ashley’s original headnote, she suggests a deep fry. I’ll agree that falafel have a superior texture when fried, but it’s just such a mess and I personally have an aversion to the smell, so I am writing in her shallow fry method. You do as you wish. I have quite a few people giving me feedback that theirs are falling apart. I have upped the panko below to help solve this. Ash originally wrote in flour, but I think panko will help hold them together better. Another idea is to let the batter chill in the fridge for a couple of hours if you have time (make the batter in the morning or day before if needed).

This recipe can feed 4-6, but can be easily halved.

They sell harissa paste at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. The latter has a Harissa dry spice blend too, which I love on roasted cauliflower btw. You can make your own via a quick google search, but I am selling saving time here.

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