Zucchini Loaf

Zucchini Loaf

1 9x5 loaf
Total time

I know better than to reinvent the wheel on this one. We’re going with a classic this week and Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen has our favorite. I added lemon and walnuts and tinkered a few other things but it’s basically her lovely recipe. While I usually try to cycle gluten free and vegan treats in here, this one has a perfect crumb because of the all-purpose flour and eggs, so they can’t really be skipped.

You can use a blend of a GF all-purpose flour and oat flour; it will just be a denser loaf. Whip as much air into the eggs as you can to help it lift.

The water content of zucchini can vary widely. If yours seems soggy, you can squeeze out some moisture, but Deb assures us that the step is not necessary, and she can be trusted.

Muffins? Fill the cups halfway full and check them at 20 minutes.

Recipe from Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen.

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