Skillet Hashbrown Scramble

Skillet Hashbrown Scramble

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So, this one scales so easily, as I know sometimes folks camp as a couple or go with a few families. I’m assuming for 4-6 (I do anywhere from 6 to 8 eggs) and using a 12” skillet so there is enough room. Eat it as is, or my kids will always prefer eggs in a tortilla, so that will help stretch the skillet as well.

I buy the shredded hashbrowns from Trader Joes. It’s ok if they thaw in this case, as you lose some crispy crunch when it all gets scrambled anyway. If you go this route and let them thaw ahead of time, just drain off the excess liquid.

Pack along some avocado, sour cream, hot sauce to garnish your bowls.

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