Cooking Club


Week 295

Good morning from the airport! I am en route to Portland for a cookbook event at Vivienne's in Portland, OR (if you live close, please come! I would love to meet you. You do need to sign up at this link so she knows how many to expect). Seattle folks - Monday at Book Larder! Cleo was sobbing last night that I just "leave all the time for work" so since so far this week I've only really been gone for one day in nearby Los Angeles, I'm expecting some dramatic calls.

Enjoy the meals this week! I keep pushing for Spring things and I do think we'll see some of that weather next weekend. Hope you are enjoying some sunshine in your direction.

xo - S

Hey there 👋🏼

Sprouted Kitchen Cooking Club provides a streamlined plan that simplifies and takes the effort out of meal planning. Click here to learn more.